Location Intelligence informs the enterprise about its operations and identifies patterns and trends that highlight opportunity. Location Search adds a new dimension to capabilities to quickly exploit those opportunities. PlaceLogic LocationScore allows our clients to instantly deploy advanced location search functionality within their new and existing applications.

  • LocationScore can search any location-based dataset -- cities, houses, customer locations, mobile app user locations, indoor locations, buildings, vehicles and so on.
  • LocationScore scores for each location in a set using a unique algorithm that exposes powerful spatial processing capacity while remaining very easy to use.
  • LocationScore’s algorithm spatially relates every location in the set to every one of your location-based search criteria, which are also weighted for use in calculating scores. Criteria setting and weights can be fixed or made adjustable by the application user.

LocationScore provides advanced GIS computational processing using sophisticated mathematics and patent-pending technology, but that complexity is entirely hidden. Clients configure LocationScore through through a simple interface that requires absolutely no programming, GIS or data science expertise -- anyone who can manipulate a spreadsheet can unleash the power of PlaceLogic LocationScore.

Use Cases

  • Digital Marketing — target marketing campaigns based on factors like demographics, store and competitor locations, weather forecast, local events and spread of illness.
  • Real Estate — search available properties for ideal investment opportunities based on distance to shopping, transportation, risk factors like floods and earthquake liquefaction, bodies of water, crime and traffic.
  • HealthCare — identify which medical facilities are top candidates utilization based demographics like household income for nearby neighborhoods, distance to competing services, availability of public transportation and parking.
  • Insurance — intelligently calibrate premiums using historical and other criteria like distance to freeways, weather predictions, local events, crime and traffic.
  • Travel — rank lodging options based on cost, availability and distance to shopping, services, restaurants, outdoor activities, crime rates, historical sites, museums, and transportation.



    • Access and configure using a simple, web-based interface.
    • Spatially correlate multiple datasets from any source.
    • Easily import CSV, spreadsheets, and other common formats and sources; ingest virtually any other data source including “live” TCP feeds, messaging services, beacons, sensors, and on-demand data APIs.
    • Immediately available through REST API for rapid integration into any app.
    • Works with PlaceLogic Visual Explorer or PlaceLogic Dashboards to visualize results on maps, charts and tables.
    • Works with PlaceLogic’s GeoCoder and GeoFence Services.
  • Enhances and automates location-based decision support.
  • Enables location search on existing enterprise software systems, including CRM, ERP, GIS, HIS, EMR, etc.
  • Enables location search within existing or new web and mobile applications.
  • Captures, processes and uses data from any internet-of-things device like beacons, smart thermostats and vehicles.
  • Cloud service requires no setup or new infrastructure.
  • Easy to use through a simple spreadsheet-like interface.
  • Get started quickly and adapt continuously to changing needs.
  • Scales on demand.

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